Painter, originally from Ontario, Denise has lived in several states and other than her original home; the past 27 years have been an exploration of living in several states including beach towns and 17 years in New Orleans, her second "home" and now in the Bayou Country of South Louisiana.  She started drawing at a very young age with a gift of beginner artists' supplies when she was 7 years old. By high school, embraced by art teachers after her mom passed away at 39 from leukemia, she started studying portraits and figures. The young entrepreneur she was, she sold copies of drawings to fellow high school students of some musicians of the 1980's. During University of Windsor art studies, she found a couple of her figure drawing and a watercolor professors, who she believed worked outside of the typical conceptual art curriculum of that time in the late 80's, to be her greatest influences, although the rest of the program did not suit her artistic and entrepreneurial drive. Shortly after school, she opened a local art supply shop and gallery and conducted art lessons. She admits looking back, although a crazy venture to want to have a business at such a young age, so much was learned.

In 1993 she moved to the Southern US from the Carolinas, Georgia, Arizona, Florida and Louisiana to spread her artistic wings. With those great intentions, life and careers, other than art, got in the way of painting for many years; just doing some artwork when she could, mostly watercolor.  She always had the desire to be a full-time artist, told by some she couldn't (since art is just a hobby she was informed) and encouraged fully by others. It was a struggle to battle that need. However, tell her she cannot and she is more determined than ever.

In 2012 working too many hours in a corporate job, still struggling to fit in painting time, she made the important decision to take charge of her life and created a painting (Throw Me Something Mister!) then the artwork flowed! It was a pivotal time, the turning point year.  Never afraid of failure or change, more moves were made and the growth continued.  Denise, now in her 50’s, is constantly balancing and battling whatever life throws at her and ultimately spending as much time as possible in her home art studio.

More prolific than ever, her paintings depict slices of daily life over the many years.  She creates narrative paintings with a lot of color, a hint of whimsy and figurative flow and also dives deep into sketching and drawing.  After recently teaching from her studio, what she calls coaching and motivating, to push students to the next level of creativity, technique and color, she takes her own advice. And she is always looking for the next adventure in art.

As a friend told her with encouragement as she was making fearful moves in her art career, "Just let your art catch everyone's attention".




My Why:

Being an artist consumes every moment and breath of mine and that is it. I’ve known since I was a child that this was my path, even if I didn’t know what that meant at the time. My mom and dad knew; it started with a gift of an charcoal drawing set when I was 8 years old. They knew.

The devastation of my mom passing away when I was 16 and she was just 39 sent me down a spiral for several years. I knew I had to move on from where I grew up. Even through hardships, different career paths, moving from place to place, being an artist is always who I am.

A second important gift from good friends came at a very difficult time for me, a time I was giving up. It was a gift of watercolor paints. They knew.

My dad always knew, he was my biggest fan. Then he passed away suddenly when he was just 63 and there I sat at 39 without my parents. He loved my artwork and the paintings I gave to him. He picked up his broken heart after my mom died and created a happy fun filled life, living life to the fullest. He loved all the places I lived, especially New Orleans. He made friends everywhere I lived and spread happiness to everyone. He knew I could pick myself up too.

For over a decade, my art has consumed me. Prolific, not perfect; learning, experimenting in each piece. Working on one and in my head creating the next one. Loving every minute of the process.

Determined to live a long life, I am painting all the things my dad loved so much; he is staying on this journey with me. My mom and dad are why I’m in love with creating artwork and why I’m happy to share my art with you today.





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